- WALL CRAWLING MOVEMENT: Watch the creepy-crawly motion of the Wallcrawler robot toy as it crawls across the floor and climbs up walls, just like a real gecko! Scare your family and friends with the life like movement!
- FULL FUNCTION REMOTE: Easy-to-use remote control allows for intuitive play as users can control up to 25 ft (8 m) and move in all directions.
- REALISTIC DESIGN: This light up toy come with LED eyes that can be seen in the dark, green silicone tail and limbs, and a black plastic body, for a realistic, fun design sure to creep your friends out!
- USB BATTERY: 1 USB cable for charging your Gecko is included so you can have endless fun with this HEX BOTS crawling toy! 2 AAA batteries required for remote (not included)
- Ages 4+